The CCIE Data Center professional has to implement data center application high availability and load balancing. The Certified Expert designs and troubleshoots the Data Center Layer 2 overlays such as VXLAN, OTV, EVPN. The professionals have to take care of the Traffic management issues related to queuing, policing, and shaping. It is the responsibility of the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Data Center professional to install and troubleshoot the physical infrastructure components that include the controller, and switches.
The Certified Expert has to take into consideration the policy and non-policy driven Internal Fabric connectivity. The professional has to define and incorporate Cisco Cloud technologies into the existing Data Center infrastructure by utilizing resolutions such as Cisco ONE Enterprise cloud Suite. The CCIE Data Center Professional will apply REST API implemented by scripting languages including Python to rectify Data Center Automation issues. They will perform Data Center Orchestration using Tools such as UCSD, UCS Central, and CPO.